CASLAB is a trusted partner in professional insurance loss adjusting and pre-risk surveys.
We have got extensive experience and professional knowledge in adjusting hundreds of complex claims and losses in the area of Property Insurance, Contractors-All-Risk, Business Interruption, Civil and Professional Liabilitity, Product Liability and other areas.
CASLAB has got an extensive experience of successful professional adjusting of insurance losses in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
Independent loss adjusting includes consideration of insurance claim details, interpretation of the insurance policy and application of loss circumstances to the policy, the validity of the provided information, calculation of the loss, etc.
We strive to prepare our reports in accordance with the best worldwide practices in loss adjusting, in accordance with the principles of objectivity and independence. All our reports go through an independent internal review process.
We use the experience and professional knowledge of our engineering experts for identifying and assigning the probability of the insurance risks, and also for suggestion of reduction/mitigation of those risks.
CASLAB has helped to identify/reduce various risks to many of customers, including companies from the oil sector, mining, power sector, office buildings, trade centers, transportation companies, airports, logistics companies, others.
For insurance companies and other corporate customers we provide wide range of services of Third Party Claim Administration on the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
The outsourcing of claims handling allows our customers to receive effective professional service and reduce administration costs, including overheads.
CASLAB offers services of quality and quantity cargo surveys, vehicles inspection on national and international transportation routes.
The independent inspection of cargo provides confidence to the dispatcher, the recipient, the insured, beneficiary and other participants of the transportation process against the groundless claims.
The inspection will identify the deviations in quality and quantity of cargo, and investigate the reasons for damages or deficiency. These services allow our customers to minimize theft, losses, insufficient packaging, storage problems.
years of successful service
customers-insurance companies
customers-transportation companies
customers-industrial companies
CASLAB – powerful team
Our main resource is our team of professionals, dedicated to the highest quality of service and improvement. Our team includes qualified loss adjusters, experienced engineers, qualified accountants (ACCA), lawyers and others. We also have a pool of partner experts and professionals, whose services we use if required by the circumstances of the loss. Our specialists are the members of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters (CILA) and Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).
Our quality reputation is supported by the long standing cooperation with Crawford & Company, one of the worldwide leaders in loss adjusting services. CASLAB is the Independent Correspondent of Crawford and Company in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
Abay Ave. 52V, Baizak BC, office 605,
Almaty 050008, Kazakhstan